(Eph 6:18) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
This is an extra piece of armour that Roman soldiers probably didn't really understand nor comprehend. This armour is hidden inside the heart. PRAYER! The apostle Paul knew about this powerful piece of armour that while he was in prison, he was still touching heaven, changing earth!! The stronghold of the devil was crumbling even when the prison chains of Paul were unbroken! The enemy could chain his hands and feet but he could not chain his heart. A heart dedicated to prayer!!
Without a heart of prayer, friends, even we have the full armour perfectly worn, we can still be defeated. As time goes by, as we are successful in our life and ministry, we tend to believe we can do it all by ourselves. Slowly but surely, we begin to depend upon our own strength. We then become overconfident and throw away our sword. Unknowingly, we may also throw away our helmet, then our shoes, our breastplate, our shield and finally, our belt. We go to a spiritual sleep mode thinking we have done it all for God. And the enemy will eventually overpower us without even us knowing it! Therefore, pray and be alert! Pray unceasingly!
And pray for others too. Prophet Elijah thought he was alone in the battle with Satan. The Lord assured him that there were 7,000 in Israel that hadn’t bowed down to Baal. Today, the battle is heating up everywhere because the end is near. All the signs are here for the eventual return of Jesus to take control of the world. There are tremendous campaigns and efforts all over the world in terms of reaching out! This battle is not only involved you alone, but everyone who calls on the Name of Jesus.
Let the whole Church take up the full armour which must include prayer! Intercessory prayers plus physical groundwork are so powerful that they just rip the devil's works apart. Prayers prepare the ground for claiming more grounds from the devil's grasp as God's angels victoriously overcome the dark forces of the evil one. Many demons had vacated their places where once were their strongholds due to the prayers of the saints! Only after much prayers, we as full-armoured Christians then boldly proclaim the gospel everywhere. Reaching out to countless men and women who can receive their greatest gift on earth, the salvation of their souls!
The war is raging on today for souls of Christless men and women. Are you ready? Are you a full-armoured Christian?
Quoting one missionary’s words as my last words ending this Series, “It can be done! It shall be done! It must be done!”
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