This piece of armour helps the soldier to run smoothly. This is really important because it helps him advance. It is unimaginable for a soldier to fight without protection for his advancing feet!
This is also an Old Testament picture of Isaiah 52:7, talking about the good news of captives in exile being released. The Israelites were being exiled for 70 years because of their sins. When the King of Persia, Cyrus, began to reign in Babylon, he released them back to their own land. He sent messengers ahead to tell the people. How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news. They had a tremendous job. To cover as many grounds as possible so that all bound people must know of this freedom!
Today, Jesus has won the victory for us and for all those who are held captive by the devil. We have the message. We have the gospel truth. The torch and baton are in our hands! We are given the ministry of reconciliation. Jesus commands the believers to go and preach to all creation, and He will be with them until the end of the age. This is not an option.
God commanded Joshua on the same line to claim the land. Sometimes we have to know what are we fighting. What is the sole message that has been entrusted to us. God wants to show the world that He is the only God and that Jesus Christ, His Son, is the only Saviour of the world.
Spiritual warfare sometimes gets out of context. We make the devil looks so powerful. Yes, he is indeed much stronger than us and with our own strength, we will utterly fail. But God is on our side and that makes all the difference. We often forget that God is the Creator and satan is only a created being. Remember, in our spiritual war today, we fight on the standpoint of victory and not towards victory. Jesus has won the victory and God is fighting for us. But we need to put on the Gospel of peace shoes!
The shoes must also fit our feet in order to fight effecfively. In other words, the gospel must bring us peace before we bring peace to others. The devil tries diligently to lower our confident level so that we cannot fight vigilantly!
Do you know what are we fighting for?
We turn people to Jesus and influence them for Him! That’s what the war is all about! But sometimes churches are fighting the wrong battle, they keep on patching the wounds of the people, keeping the aquarium clean. Only feeding the church members until they grow fat with the Word, the head swell but the heart unmoved. We do the fighting in the church among members where we supposed to go out there and fight the devil. The job of the church is not to impact the church but to impact the world. Influence back the souls of Christless men and women!
Are your feet ready?
Are you ready with the message of the gospel?
Are you bringing answers to anyone who is asking you for the hope you are having?
This is already a part of armour that talks about advancing into enemies' territories!!
Nothing can be won by just defending!
Next Article: Shield of Faith....
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