Remember the breastplate? They protect from "sword, spear and arrows" of the devil. The Shield carries the soldier one step further into the enemy's territory! This part of armour protects a soldier from fiery darts. This is one step further in the war with the devil in the Christian context! The evil one has to dig in for a more sophisticated weapon, the fiery arrows. We must shield ourselves from every eventuality. So that the gospel can advance even farther.
Faith is simply trusting God in every step of the way. Faith is the opposite of fear. Fear of man and of circumstances are sure stumbling blocks to the advancement of a Christian's life. It is often the Faith Factor that hinders us from advancing! Fears cause us to be unfruitful. The fearful Christians retreat but faith always looks forward to the things of God in anticipation and excitement!
Someone said this, "Fear knocks on the door and when faith answers, nobody's there".
FAITH stands for Forsaking All I Trust Him.
Trusting means to let Jesus drive your car. He knows all the curves and turns and He maneuvers excellently!! With the shield of Faith, you are able to block off all negative elements (fiery darts) the devil will bring against you. Going deeper into his territory means we have to endure his attacks even more ferociously.
Not only the devil will put doubts and fears on us but the greatest tool he will use is discouragement! Don't let the devil "Dis" your courage to go on! I urge you not to stop influencing people for Jesus. Take up the shield of faith! Taking up the shield of faith simply means believing what God said about you! Not what the devil, world or even friends said about you! If the devil brings an accusation against you and said you are good for nothing, then you counter him with the Word of God saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13)!
Advance! Don't retreat! Deal with your hurts by believing what God said! Move on! Trust that God had won the victory and you are called to claim them! Remember Joshua and Caleb? They did not shrink back in their quest for the promised Land even though the other ten spies cowed in fear. Remember, King David? He took on the giant when all the king's soldiers crouched in fear.
When the Roman soldiers in their war campaign arrived by ships to certain shores to conquer and fight, they burned their ships! No retreat! Victory or nothing!!
Are you ready to advance another step in your war with Satan? Bringing the gospel to even more people? If yes, then take up the shield of faith!
Next...Helmet of salvation...
Next...Helmet of salvation...
Hallelujah! This is so powerful. It has taken my faith a notch up! GOD bless you
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are blessed. All glory to God. Thanks for visiting.