(Eph 6:17) Take the helmet of salvation....
This piece of armour works two ways. The primary idea is to protect the head of the soldier and secondly it is to signify to others, he belongs to a certain kingdom or nation. Without the helmet, it would be very difficult to survive. The head is usually the first thing the enemies go for. The dizzier you are, the more confuse you become. If your head is wounded, everything falls apart. If we want to have victory over Satan and circumstances in this battle for Christless souls, put on the Helmet of salvation.
Helmet of salvation has two-fold purpose in our warfare.
Firstly, we must know this very fact, that we belong to Jesus, our Chief Commander. He is the One who creates and owns this world. It is God who saved you and enlisted you into His army. A person who is successfully enlisted into the Army will have to wear the uniform, and especially the helmet! He must be proud of the armour to know that he belongs to that particular nation. The shirkers are some soldiers who quickly throw away their uniform when the enemies are attacking as they chicken-out in fear! But we belong to the army of God in His Victorious Kingdom which is always gaining ground, always victorious, always on the move. Hallelujah!
Are you at this moment, still afraid to tell people that you are a Christian?! Or are you ashamed of the name of Jesus, that you belong to? Remember, Jesus Christ was not ashamed of you when He died on the cross, overcoming shame, pain and even nakedness just for us.
Secondly, (Helmet of) salvation in the Bible can also mean “continue to be" saved, delivered and set free from all kinds of situation. In other words, God will always protect our head, hence helmet of salvation! God doesn’t save us and then leave us alone. He promised, "I will be with you always until the end of the age". The helmet of salvation is like a mark of God and that God will continuously deliver you. When you are down, He will lift you up! When you burn out, God will refresh you! When you are wounded, He will heal you! With this piece of armour, you will always fight with confidence and knowing that God is fighting the battle for you. Joshua knew this truth and the Israelites under his leadership always gained ground in the battle for the promised land!!
Is your helmet of salvation on your head? Are you associated with the most wonderful Kingdom of all in the universe, the Kingdom of God? And that God’s Kingdom cannot be defeated?
Jesus Christ, our Commander in Chief is coming back again to reign on earth!! Are you ready?
(Rev 11:15) ... "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever."
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