This book has brought out in me so many emotions even with those that have left dormant for some time. It was inspiration, laughter, anger and grief all rolled up into one. All in all, it left me breathless in many parts of the book. The writings of both Denver Moore and Ron Hall are witty and purposeful, not forgetting captivating. I have lost count the things I have learned from this book and as a Christian and pastor, I highly recommend to all genuine believers in Christ!
I am inspired with the honesty, passion, love and godliness by all the characters in this book and what is so awesome about all this is it is a true story! So often we want to do what we want to do but doing what God wants to do will far exceed what we ever desire to do. I sincerely think that this book can be turned into a great movie. I believe the late Deborah Hall, so central to the whole book, the magnificent passionate Christian, may amen to that!
I am so grateful for Thomas Nelson Publishers for giving this free book to me in their Book Sneeze program for the purpose of reviewing the said book.